====== Shrimp Caesar Salad ====== {{htmlmetatags> metatag-og:title=(Shrimp Caesar Salad) }} This one is a bit of an acquired taste. When I moved to San Francisco in the summer of 2023 I was broke and didn't have many kitchen supplies. This dish reflects the idea that I was willing to eat anything as long as it had flavors that were at least pretty okay. ===== Ingredients ===== - As many shrimp as you can eat - 2tbsp butter - Salt, pepper, cayenne - Caesar salad mix - Ranch dressing ===== Process ===== - Peel shrimp, pan-fry in butter until crispy and golden-brown, seasoning while cooking, only flip once - In a large bowl, place salad mix and dressing, mix together - Place shrimp on top - Eat quickly, while salad is still cold and shrimp is still hot. If you wait too long on this step it becomes pretty hard to stomach