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start [2024/02/16 05:43] – created charlesstart [2024/02/18 20:10] (current) – [Table of Contents] charles
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-====== Howdy ======+====== Alexandria ======
 I'm tired of forgetting things so I'm going to start recording all the stuff I know here so I can come back and look at it later.  I'm tired of forgetting things so I'm going to start recording all the stuff I know here so I can come back and look at it later. 
 +===== Table of Contents =====
 +^ Section ^ Topics ^
 +| A | [[a:start|Computation]] |
 +| B | [[b:start|Biographies]] |
 +| C | [[c:start|Paper Reviews]] |
 +| D | [[d:start|Philosophy]] |
 +| E | [[e:start|Recipes]] |
 +| F | [[f:start|Security Writeups]] |
 +===== Orphan Pages =====
 +<hidden Show>
 + **Orphans**
 + ~~ORPHANSWANTED:orphans~~
 + **Wanted**
 + ~~ORPHANSWANTED:wanted~~
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